Tuesday, February 2, 2021

What is Living? I Don't Know.

In simplest of terms living is having a breath. But in the society, it means having a job good enough to provide for you and your dependents, having a roof over your head and having a family and friends who you can rely on. Of course you will get this materiliestic explanation from all most all of the so called living human in different wordings. I do most certainly have the all the qualities according to the society to have a happy life. But do I actually living the life? It is the question that I am having most of the time when I am alone. And keep me from falling sleep on countless nights. So what does actually living is? I am searching for it. I have started writing this in my phone past midnight without the knowledge of what am I going to do with this. Am I going to share this with anybody? I don't know. It is a start. Lets see where is it going to lead.
So let's get back to living, Some will give a utopian view of how we should live for the betterment of the humanity and the world. But if you look closely the people who gave this explanation, they do measure the living on the materialistuc view i have stated above even for their own lives. But I am not implying that there are no one have ever lived or living on this earth with this utopian morals and ideas. I cannot be sure of anybody. I do not have any telepathic abilities to read anyone's mind. They may be lying to the world or they may truly what they claim to be. I have no idea. I am not sure about anything in the world.

When human ask about this question, historically they tend to turn to a supreme being socially known with different names such as god, creator, protector. I was introduces to such in early in my life. But when I get older and learnt to ask questions i am lost again. In my veiw religions are created to help fill this void. I would not say that the creators of this religion had the intention of what religions are doing at the current time. They assumed these religions to protect only themselves and may be their loved ones to help answer the question. But along the way human nature and societal norms nade these religions what they are now. If you look closely the early arbiters of the religion were of the utopian thought school. They might have followed the principle for betterment of society of which they were living. But implying the same on the different backgroud of people not may but assuredly lead to cult status, which we are experiencing right now. If I planned to share this written piece with anybody, they may have thought that I am an anti religious and religious basing attention seeker. But am I? I don't know. I have no idea and I am not sure of anything anymore.

Our priorities change over time. I would rather not speak for anybody, so let's me say, my priorities have changed over time. I do not remember, but I think my priorities were eating and sleeping when i was born. Simplistic explanation of living. Along the way I needed toys, cloths, frieds, a bicycle, education, new things to excite me, love, job, wife, kids and so on. But most or all of the mentioned have one thing in common, MONEY. Does money give you happiness and sense of living. I think for the most it does. But does it for me? Does it full fill me. I dont think so. Yeah I can but new thing to keep me busy and make me forget the question. Forgeting there is a question is not equal to answering the qusetion right? I hope so. So what is living? I am here as a result of  unimaginable probability. Some which i choose, most which I did not. I can even fathom the possible scenarios if the anyone of the choices taken were different. Where will i be? The answer is I don't know. 

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